Three Wise Goats Hits 500, 000 Streams On Boom play.

The most trendiest album in the 254 hits five hundred thousand views on Boom play.Three wise goats was born on January 21st this year. It is still the first gengetone and rap album that includes creatives from all of East Africa.

Popular and brilliant minds came together to create a blockbuster masterpiece. We have music pros like Chameleon, Lava lava, Navio, Exray etc.
The album comes as a favorite to many fans as it is versatile and diverse in terms of the artists involved and their uniqueness.

Mbuzi gang currently holds the titled to the most put together gengetone group and one that\’s trying to revolutionize the gengetone genre. Alongside creatives like Exray Taniua, Swat Matire etc the gang prides in development and Creativity. 

The gang came to be fully recognized when they dropped their single hit Shamra shamra featuring Mejja. 

The album is on Boomplay and all streaming platforms. Make sure to check it out. 


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