‘Bad Man Do’ By Johnny Benzx, Emilian Starz & LBK Nandeboy Unites Africa

Johnny Benzx
There is currently no song that’s uniting Africa like ‘Bad Man Do’, a jam by Nigerian artist Johnny Benzx, Ugandan vocal goddess Emilian Starz and Congolese piper LBK Nandeboy!

By Isaac Tugume

There is currently no song that’s uniting Africa like ‘Bad Man Do’, a jam by Nigerian artist Johnny Benzx, Ugandan vocal goddess Emilian Starz and Congolese piper LBK Nandeboy!

‘Bad Man Do’ has since engulfed Africa like a sandstorm, resounding not only on the internet but also in bars and nightclubs across the continent, whereby it’s no longer a jam that’s limited to Nigeria Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

With over 85K fans streaming the video on YouTube, Johnny Benzx, who is just a new kid on the block, is beating the odds after having dropped a project that’s posting over 10K views per day, which is a record-breaker.

 The attention that ‘Bad Man Do’ is attracting from across Africa and other parts of the world points to only one thing; that Johnny Benzx has already proved to be a game changer on the African music scene, who is bound to give other artists sleepless nights.

By the way, you can only miss out on the vibe and fun that ‘Bad Man Do’ erupts in everyone only if you choose to, but if you want to be a part of it, just tap the link above to stream the jam on YouTube!


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