Shourtie Official, Johnny Benzx Bring On The Groove With ‘Money’

Shourtie Official

By Isaac Tugume

‘Money’, a jam by Kenyan female musician Shourtie Official and Nigerian artist Johnny Benzx is the vibe that should fire you up every day because it’s a very motivational track.

With over 54K fans and counting streaming the video on YouTube, ‘Money’ is becoming a visual masterpiece that almost everyone wants a piece of!

‘Money’ is what everyone wants to bring about a paradigm shift in their lifestyle; that’s exactly what Shourtie Official and Johnny Benxz sing about in this song, reason why tens of thousands of people are paying attention.

There’s no way you can fail to feel the energy that Shourtie Official and Johnny Benxz stir in everyone who experiences ‘Money’ because it’s a song that is so relatable.

Catch the vibe as you groove to ‘Money’ every day because this is the only song that ought to be the soundtrack of your life if you intend to make it worth living!

Shourtie Official and Johnny Benzx are out to tickle the party animal in you with ‘Money’ and if in doubt,  tap the link to stream the video on YouTube!




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