By Isaac Tugume
Nothing in the world of music is better than a song that one listens to and they feel so uplifted, both physically and mutually, because of the message delivered by the artist, the way Nigerian artist Johnny Benzx does in ‘Define’.
With ‘Define’, Johnny Benzx takes his audience unawares by dropping a bombshell that many listeners least expect; he takes a swipe at people who pretend to be angels while badmouthing others.
At first listeners might miss the gist of the matter because of the electrifying beats but after listening to the lyrics closely, everyone will agree that Johnny Benzx has a huge point to deliver through this song.
This is mainly because in most cases many people suffer victimization in society as a result of being wrongly defined by selfish individuals, reason why Johnny Benzx is against anyone who stereotypes others.
With over 49K YouTube views and still counting, it is obvious that ‘Define’ is a song thousands of people across Africa are finding so compelling to listen to, thanks to Johnny Benzx’s ability to produce such a powerful composition.
Let’s all go stream this jam on YouTube by clicking the link above, because with this tune, Johnny Benzx will surely silence all the haters, doubters, frenemies and critics!
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