‘Different’ By Neliah Is So Serene And Emotional

If you are the kind of person that is into serene music and cherishes an environment of tranquility, then ‘Different’, a song by Ugandan artist Neliah, is ideal for you.

By Isaac Tugume

If you are the kind of person that is into serene music and cherishes an environment of tranquility, then ‘Different’, a song by Ugandan artist Neliah, is ideal for you.

Offering ambience for a peaceful getaway, ‘Different’ is the kind of song that you would want to engulf you until you get entirely lost in it, because it is real food for the soul.

No wonder thousands of Neliah’s fans in Uganda and across the borders have wholeheartedly embraced this mellow ballad and are fervently streaming the video on YouTube, while others are scouring digital platforms for it!

With ‘Different’, Neliah aims at conjuring constant emotional connectivity between two lovers, which is the ultimate romantic feeling that any two people in love can ever experience.

The lyrics of this song offer sanctuary to every woman out there frantically hunting for her Mr. Right, because just like Neliah says, he ought to be so ‘Different’ from all the others.

The energy and passion with which Neliah praises her man in this ballad because he is different from all the rest she has met before is capable of evoking a profound, emotional response from any man who hears this song from his woman’s lips.

Tap the link to stream ‘Different’ on YouTube right now!


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