By Isaac Tugume
Weekends have never been better, especially if you have a jam like ‘Masanyalaze Go’ by Daddy Andre to groove to all the time.
‘Masanyalaze Go’ is that kind of song that makes you dance first and think later because that’s why Daddy Andre created it.
Believe it or not, you can’t find a better song to dance to with your buddies if it’s not ‘Masanyalaze Go’ because Daddy Andre brings on the vibe with this tune.
And by the way, if you didn’t know that a weekend feels empty when there is no good music, try spending one without vibing to ‘Masanyalaze Go’ and you will know!
Actually, if you want to have a fabulous weekend, whether with friends or family, ‘Masanyalaze Go’, which boasts over 35K YouTube views and counting, should be on top of your playlist.
Daddy Andre is here to remind everyone through ‘Masanyalaze Go’ that good times and crazy friends make the best memories, reason why everyone should be vibing to this jam.
Go stream the video on YouTube by tapping the link above and make your weekend a blast!