By Isaac Tugume
If they tell you to go slow because Joefes is ahead and you wonder why, then you haven’t experienced his explosive tune ‘Tumeona Wengi’, a collabo with Fathermoh, Mr. Tee, and Lil Maina!
This is not your usual Joefes because in ‘Tumeona Wengi’ he hits all bad-mind people way down below the belt, without apology to any one of them.
Now a street slogan across Kenya ‘Tumeona Wengi’, which boasts over 31K YouTube views so far, is the new Gengetone sound taking over because thousands of people identify with what Joefes sings about in this track.
In essence, Joefes envisioned the daily life of people around him and some of their unbecoming ways and decided to present the picture to society in this musical composition that is now raising controversy everywhere.
It is a very thoughtful song which, if given undivided attention, makes listeners appreciate Joefes’ creativity and musical acumen to pass on a message to whoever it may concern, yet doing so in a very entertaining way.
Make it a point to stream this jam on YouTube by tapping the link above because Joefes has a very important message for the nation!