Limbofest Nails It With ‘All Over My Body’ Video

Believe it or not, you don’t want to miss out on the vibe in ‘All Over My Body’, a banger by Kenyan singing group Limbofest, which now has a video on YouTube!



By Isaac Tugume

Believe it or not, you don’t want to miss out on the vibe in ‘All Over My Body’, a banger by Kenyan singing group Limbofest, which now has a video on YouTube!

Dude, if you know what it means for a babe to be all over your body then you will agree with what Limbofest sings about in this jam because that’s a feeling that’s so out of this world.

It’s this vibe that’s attracting thousands of Kenyans to ‘All Over My Body’ and many of these have since taken to streaming the video on YouTube.

But besides streaming the audio and video on YouTube, ‘All Over My Body’ is also a resounding party tune across Kenya that partiers enjoy grooving to in nightclubs and bars because Limbofest did it for them!

Guys, life is short, enjoy it as much as you can by grooving to dope music, and by this we mean ‘All Over My Body’ because this is the kind of jam that lets you know how to live life to the fullest.

By the way, if you haven’t watched the video yet, the only thing to do is tap the link above!







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