NTV Kenya To Host America’s Magical Rock Band

Magical Rock Band
Popular Kenyan TV station NTV is this Saturday set to host teenage American music group  Magical Rock Band for an exclusive interview on the Teen Republik show.

By Isaac Tugume

Popular Kenyan TV station NTV is this Saturday set to host teenage American music group  Magical Rock Band for an exclusive interview on the Teen Republik show.

Now, it’s not every day that NTV hosts musicians all the way from the United States of America, meaning that this weekend’s version of Teen Republik is bound to be memorable!

Full of vibe and vigour, the Magical Rock Band, which comprises four teenage musicians, has vowed to give NTV viewers the best Teen Republik show ever, during which they will share with viewers everything about their music and why they decided to join the industry at a very young age.

 Known for their popular jams like ‘Catch The Vibe’, ‘On Gawd’, ‘Family Goals’,  ‘The Way That You Love’ among others, the Band is currently on a tour in East Africa, where they intend to work on some music projects with Kenyan artists, after which they will travel back to the U.S.A.

Hailing from Sacramento, California, the Magical Rock Band is an independent, Hip-Hop and Rock inspired group that consists of 4 siblings; MRB Lyna B (10 years old), MRB Mike (13 years old), MRB Jr (14 years old), and MRB Ty (15 years old).

Their music blends hip-hop, pop, and alternative rock styles into a beautiful mixture of inspirational music created to encourage other youths around the world to live life to the fullest and spread love for everyone.

Make sure to catch up  with the Band on NTV this Saturday, because they are just unmissable!


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