Mtipa, Teslah & Unspoken Salaton Drop  ‘Pull Up’ Video



By Isaac Tugume

Kenyan artists Mtipa, Teslah, and Unspoken Salaton have released the music video for their party jam ‘Pull Up’, which is now available for streaming on YouTube.

The ‘Pull Up’ video is driving everyone crazy because Mtipa, Teslah, and Unspoken Salaton are here to pump dope vibes in the life of everyone who experiences the song!

The song uplifts the energy levels of everyone who vibes to it, especially if you’re the kind of person who enjoys hanging out with people who are full of positive energy.

Every day you live on earth is worth celebrating with some drinks, good company, and music, so, you have to ‘Pull Up’ wherever there’s a party; that’s the message Mtipa and his comrades preach in this melody.

In case you didn’t know, a little partying never killed anybody and because of this, it’s highly advisable that you make ‘Pull  Up’ a must-play everywhere you go because the party starts with you!

Go stream the ‘Pull Up’ video on YouTube by clicking the link above.





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