Swat Matire, Shekinah Karen, and Fathermoh’s ‘Bad Girl’: A Million Streams and Counting!
Bad Girl by Fathermoh, Shekinah Karen, and Swat Matire has already amassed a whopping one million streams and counting! In this tune, the trio goes back to back, laying down some fire verses about Shekinah Karen’s mind games. Both Fathermoh and Swat Matire call her out for deceiving them, pretending to be in a relationship while actually just playing games. They don’t hold back and label her a “Bad girl.” The popularity of this track is well-deserved, and it’s no surprise that it’s racking up millions of views. So, why wait? Head on over to YouTube and give “Bad Girl” by Swat Matire featuring Shekinah Karen and Fathermoh a listen. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2y0rBUX5jQ&pp=ygUIQmFkIGdpcmw%3D
Swat Matire, Shekinah Karen, and Fathermoh’s ‘Bad Girl’: A Million Streams and Counting! Read More »